Friday, 12 July 2013

How to access internet at IIT Bombay

Welcome to IIT Bombay.
This page will guide a new entrant on how to use internet facilities at IIT Bombay.

Steps to be followed.
1) Accept IIT Bombay IT Usage Policy (might not be accessible from outside IIT Bombay).
In the end of page you have to enter your LDAP ID and Password. Generally for a fresher the LDAP ID is his/her Roll Number and Password is date of birth in format (DDMMYYYY) e.g. if DOB is 6th April 1988 then password is 06041988.

Now after some time (may be few minutes or hours) computer center server will activate your LDAP ID. You can verify by going to GPO and entering your LDAP ID and Password. If GPO is opening, then your account is activated.

2) If you dont have LAN cable, First try to purchase it from your hostel shop, if it is not there then purchase it from H7, H12 general shop. Ask someone for direction to these shops if required.

3) After connecting the LAN cable to LAN port of the computer and LAN switch given in your room, you must configure your computer with proper LAN setting and your browser (firefox, chrome, internet explorer) with proper proxy setting.

4) To find out your IP address, take help of your some one in your wing who has access to internet or take help of IP allocation algorithm.
Find IP address of hostel room for mentioned hostels using the links: H1, H2, H4, H5, H6, H8, H9H11, H13, H14

5) Now change your LAN setting in Windows 7, 8 machine.

6) After proper LAN setting, configure your browser with proxy setting of proxy server of IITB.
For Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox.

Congrats, now you are ready for using internet facilities at IIT Bombay.

7) Type URL (may be in address bar of browser and press ENTER.
A popup like this will appear
Enter your LDAP ID as username and date of birth (in format DDMMYYYY) as password.

If google page comes up, great otherwise review if you have everything properly as mentioned in steps up or take help of any of friend, iscp companion or ismp mentor or some senior.